第三节 新资料新方法
在从事环境史研究过程中,我们经常会遭到来自自然科学学者的诘问和责难,即环境变化主要是由自然因素引起的,环境史研究强调人类活动的影响在很大程度上偏离了主题。对于这样的质疑,环境史学家从前似乎也没有给出很好的回答。在本次世界环境史大会上,主办方邀请1995年获得诺贝尔化学奖的保罗·克鲁岑作了题为《人类世:人是推动全球环境循环的营力》的主题演讲,把他发明的“人类世”(The Anthropocene)概念介绍给广大环境史学家,解答了环境史的发展是以人与环境的其他部分的互动为动力的合理性。
在克鲁岑看来,我们人类现在生活的地质时期是显生宙新生代第四纪中的人类世。人类世最重要的特点是大量使用化石燃料,因此,大气中二氧化碳的含量可以成为衡量人类世演进的单一指标。工业革命之前,大气中的二氧化碳含量为270—275 ppm,到1950年增长为大约310 ppm,此后大加速,现在已达380 ppm,过去30年的增长量占工业革命以来全部增量的一半以上。据此可以把人类世大体上分为三个阶段:第一阶段是工业时期,从1800到1945年;第二阶段是大加速,从1945到2015年左右;第三阶段大约从2015年开始,何时结束尚不清楚,人类能否最终成为地球系统的管理者也不能确定。不过,现在是人类与地球系统的关系发生变化的关键时期。要改变现在这种由人类造成的压力威胁地球生命支持系统的状况,人类必须从三个方面着手努力。一是改变现有的支持大加速的政治经济制度;二是改变现有的社会价值和个人行为;三是进行地球工程干预。[34]
[1]如在John R.McNeil主持的题为Forests and Civilization的小组中,就有如下的知名环境史学家做了发言:J.Donald Hughes,”Ancient deforestation revisited”,Richard Tucker,”Forests and warfare:The state of research”,Mauro Agnoletti,”Wood and civilization”,Jose Augusto Padua,”Slavery anddeforestation:Brazilian pereeptions during the 18/+th and 19/+th centuries”.
[3] John R. McNeill, “Observations on the nature and culture of environmental history”, History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, Vol.42, No.4, December 2003, p.42.
[4] Lance Van Sittert, “The other seven tenth”, Environmental History, Vol.10, No.l, January 2005,pp.106—109.
[5] Anne Hnsum Marboe,Poul Holm,Peter Calow,”The impact of culturaI values on marineenvironment conservation”,Jacob Hamblin,”Guardians of the Atlantic:Ocean pollution and NATOenvironmentalism in the Cold War”.Tsuo-Ming Hsu,”The history of Taiwan’s fishing ports and theimagination of the sea along the No.2 road of Taiwan”.Morten Haugdahl,”War over whales:radicalenvironmentalist organizations and scientific knowledge in whaling controversies”.
[6] Hohn Gillis,”From ecotone to edge:the changing nature of a coastal environment”.
[7] Tim Sistrunk.”The fish of the sea in late Medieval law”.Ken Cruikshank and Nancy B.Bouchier,”‘Her Majesty’s Property’:environment,regulation and popular use of Hamilton harbour”.KarenOslund,”Global whaling politics in the North Atlantic and South Pacific”.Stephen Bocking,”Localknowledge in a global industry:the formation and movement of the science of Salmon aquaculture”.
[8] Edmund P.Russell,War and Nature:Fighting Humans and Insects with Chemicals from World War Ito”Silent Spring”,New York:Cambridge University Press,2001.
[9] John R.McNeill,”Observations on the nature and culture of environmental history”.
[10] Richard Tucker and Edmund Russell(eds.),Natural Enemy,Natural Ally:Towards an EnvironmentalHistory of Warfare,Corvallis:Oregon State University Press,2004.
[11] Bertrand Taithe,”The ecology of colonial famines and wars in the French African empire,1864—1916″.Tom Brooking and Vaughan Wood,”Nature’s counter attack:War and New Zealandenvironmental history”.Neil Clayton and Fiona Clayton,”Coontested places:Weeds and’warfare’inthe South Pacific”,Dorothee Brantz,”The concept of the environment and the practice of total warduring world war l”.
[12] Tim Cole,”Environmental discourses on British military training estates:The SENTA range and theEpynt”.Chris Pearson,”Combat ecologies:environmental histories of militarism in postwar France”.
[13] Mathew Evenden,”Aluminum,commodity chains and the environmental history of the second WorldWar”.Jessica Van Horssen,”Allies burning tbr a binterland:Asbestos and the second World War”.
[15] Douglas R.Weiner,Models of Nature:Ecology,Conservation,and Cultural Revolution in SovietRussia,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1988.A Little Corner of Freedom:Russian NatureProtection from Stalin to Gorbachev,Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1999.
[16] Dennis St Germaine,Soviet Ecology:Movement Provided Vehicle for Attempted Social Change UnderCommunism,2002.
[17] John R.McNeill,”Observations on the nature and culture of environmental history”,P.30.担任欧洲环境史学会的斯拉夫地区代表的阿列克赛·卡里莫夫的估计相对比较乐观。笔者在2003年曾对他进行过采访,希望了解俄罗斯学者自己的环境史研究。可惜采访尚未结束,他就在参加完在捷克召开的欧洲环境史学会年会后返回莫斯科的途中遭遇车祸,不幸辞世。
[18] John MacKenzie,”Introduction”,Environment and History,Vo1.10.No.4,2004,p.372.
[19] Andy Bruno, “Russian Environmental History: Directions and Potentials”, Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, Vol.8, No.3, Summer 2007, pp. 635—650.
[20] Ekaterina Pravilova,”The rhetoric of water law:Russian colonial experience and the problem of legalpluralism”.
[21] Alexey Kraykovskiy,”The Neva fiver in the identity,economy and culture of’the Northern Capital’of Russia”.Andy Bruno,”of rocks and reindeer:Making sense of state-socialist modernization andenvironment”.
[22] David Moon,”German scientists on the Russian steppes:The Russian Academy of Science’sexpeditious of the late 18/+th century”.Seija Niemi,”A combination of science and economy:A.E.Nordeuskiold’s expeditions to the Siberian rivers Obi and Yenisei in 1875 and 1876″.JonathanOldfield,”V.V.Dokuchaev and the emergence of landscape science in Russid”.Alexandra Bekasova,”The experience of landscape through a coach window:Guidebooks and national identity in Russiaduring the first half of the 19/+th century”.
[23] Richard Powell, “Geopolitical science? Field practices in the Canadian Arctic, 1955—1970″. Julia Lajus, “Controversial perceptions of Arctic warming in the 1930s in the context of Soviet polar exploration and resource use”. Ronald E. Doel, “Military patronage and new attitudes towards the Arctic environment after World War II”.
[24] Peder Roberts, “All the empire’s whales: Scientists, bureaucrats, and the construction of an Antarctic marine environment, 1913-1939″. Adrian Howkins, “Creating a ‘continent for science’ :Environmental history and the origins of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty”. Kathryn Yusoff and Simon Naylor, “‘Weather Central’ : Antarctic science, globalism, and climate”.
[25] Cengiz Kirli, “Labor migrations and urban environment in lstanbul in the early 19th century”. Selcuk Dursun, “Population displacement and forest resource management in the Ottoman empire”. M.Sara Saracoglu, “Those cattle thieves: Immigrants, land-use and violence in a nineteenth century Ottoman” .
[26] SingC. Chew, World Ecological Degradation: Accumulation, Urbanization and Deforestation 3OOO B. C.-A. D. 2000, Altamira Press, 2001. The Recurring Dark Ages: Ecological Stress, Climate Changes, and System Transformation, AltaMira Press, 2006. Ecological Futures: What History Can Teach Us?AltaMira Press, 2008.
[27] 2007年,他在伯克利加州大学地理系完成了题为《生态与资本主义的兴起》的博士论文,该文已编辑成书,即将由加州大学出版社正式出版。他2003年发表在《理论与社会》上的论文“作为环境史的现代世界体系?生态与资本主义的兴起”荣获美国环境史学会2004年的“阿丽斯·汉米尔顿论文奖”。
[28] Jason W. Moore, “‘The wildness is taken from the forest by the metalworks’ : The Political Ecology of Extraction in the Making of the Modem World-System, 1450–1800″. Tomas Frederiksen, “Unearthing role : nature, colonial rule and the production of an extractive economy on the Zambian Copperbelt”.Gavin Bridge, “What drives the ‘extractive frontier’? The City of London and the capitalisation of the mineral kingdom in the late 19th century”. Eric Clark and Huei-Min Tsai, “Ecologically unequal exchange, landesque capital, and landscape transformations: On the historicalpolitical ecology of Kinmen Island and Orchid Island” .
[29] Ruediger Glaser, “Connecting Arabic and European medieval documentary data for reconstructing climate”. Petr Dobrovolny, RudolfBrazdil, Christian Pfister, et. al., “The 500–year reconstruction of European climate derived from historical archives”. Adriaan de Kraker, “Farmland and crops as providers of climate information in Belgium and the Netherlands during the 17th and 18th centuries”.Lotta Leijonhufvud, “Swedish grain tithes as a source for climatic reconstructions: 1540—1680″.Stefan Norrgard, “Taking microclimate into consideration:comparing ships’ logbooks and fort journals at Cape coast castle 1750–1800″. Dennis Wheeler, “Using ships’ logbook to reconstruct past climates of Oceanic regions: A case study for the North East Atlantic ( 1685 to 1750 )”.Emmanuel Kreike, “Imag ( en ) ing time traveling trees: Aerial photography, GIS, digitalization, and re-reading African landscapes”.
[30] Paul J. Crutzen and E. E Stoermer, “The ‘Anthropocene’”, Global Change Newsletter, 41, 2000,pp. 17—18.
[32] Jan Zalasiewicz, Mark Williams et al., “Are we now living in the Anthropocene?”, GSA (Geological Society of America) Today, 18(2), 2008, pp. 4—8.
[34] Will Steffen, Paul J. Crutzen, and John R. McNeill, “The Anthropocene: Are Humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature”, AMBIO: A Journal of Human Environment, Vol.36, No.8,2007, pp.614—621.
[35] Robert Costanza, Lisa J. Graumlich, and Will Steffen (eds.), Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2007, pp.4—5.