

  腾讯财经讯(忆松) 北京时间10月7日凌晨,CNNMoney头条刊文《占领华尔街示威者扎营私人物业领地》,现全文摘要如下:

  许多参加占领华尔街抗议行动的示威者可能还没有意识到,但是当他们选择在曼哈顿闹市区的祖科提公园(Zuccotti Park)扎营时,他们真的很辛运。

  与大多数人所认为的相反,这个公园并不是一个公共场所;这个公园的所有者实际上是布鲁克菲尔德写字楼公司(Brookfield Office Properties Inc.),该公司在曼哈顿拥有超过1800万平方英尺的物业资产,其中包括世界金融中心。这也是为什么示威者们能够暂时获准呆在祖科提公园长达20天时间的原因。

  不过,祖科提公园也不是示威者们最初选择的目的地。示威游行的组织者们最初计划在华尔街标志性的公牛雕像和大通1号大厦(1 Chase Plaza)扎营。但是纽约警察局对这两个地方严防死守,由于这两个地区属于市政府资产,在此机会需要得到法律批准。

  声援“占领华尔街” 黑客放话“黑掉纽交所”

  “占领华尔街”(Occupy Wall Street)活动仍在进行当中,越来愈多的组织加入其中。据称,自封名号的黑客组织“匿名者”(Anonymous)誓言要在10日当天让堪称华尔街金融帝国图腾的纽约证券交易所(NYSE)从网络上消失,以此力挺“占领华尔街”示威活动。




  对此,经营纽交所的纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSE Euronext)发言人理查德·亚达蒙尼斯(Richard C. Adamonis)表示,公司方面不会就谣言或安全事宜发表任何意见。

Anti-Wall Street Protests Reach D.C.Meanwhile, the movement is drawing comparisons to the Tea Party.

By Will Oremus | Posted Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011, at 5:39 PM ET

Anti-corporate protesters take part in ‘Occupy DC’ at Freedom Plaza on Oct. 6, 2011.
Photo by Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

  Are the Occupy Wall Street protests on their way to becoming a more liberal version of the Tea Party movement?

  On Thursday, the protests that began in New York three weeks ago continued to spread across the country, with demonstrations either under way or planned in Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia; Houston and Austin, Texas; Tampa, Florida; Trenton and Jersey City, N.J., among other cities, according to Reuters.

  As they spread, the once-grassroots protests are getting encouragement from some very mainstream quarters, including prominent academics, President Obama, and now, even an official from the Federal Reserve. Reuters reports that Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher told a business group, “I am somewhat sympathetic—that will shock you.”

  Vice President Joe Biden made the Tea Party comparison explicit, saying the two movements had “a lot in common,” the Los Angeles Times reports (video included). In both cases, Biden noted, people were rebelling against what they perceive as unfair collusion between government and Wall Street.

  The New York protests remain the most contentious, with police arresting 23 demonstrators there on Wednesday, the New York Times reports. Violent clashes between cops and protesters continued to spark controversy, with the New York Daily News posting a video of an officer bragging, “My little nightstick’s gonna get a workout tonight.”

  Meanwhile, “a couple hundred” protesters began an “occupation” of Washington, D.C.’s Freedom Plaza on Thursday, according to the Washington Post. They have vowed to stay there indefinitely, as New York’s protesters have done in Zuccotti Park, but they only have a permit to stay until Sunday. CNN points out that New York’s demonstrators have been aided by the fact that they’re inhabiting a privately owned park, not public property.

  One big difference from the Tea Party: The protests have gotten a huge boost from organized labor, which the Tea Party has strongly opposed. The ranks of demonstrators swelled Wednesday largely because of union involvement, ABC News points out.



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