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About Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology

Jiang Jieqiang

Abstract: Based on “Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project ” by the archaeological dating come within the scope of the few studies Crusade against King Zhou of Shang by King Wu of Zhou the possibility of the data, and according to today the “Bamboo Annals” from the data, with the introduction of astronomy solar eclipse Table data on all kinds of data in the calculation of the date of the trip (lunar calendar date), confirmed that the decisive battle for Crusade against King Zhou of Shang by King Wu of Zhou BC February 10, 1050, only today the “Bamboo Annals” by the mind of the data is correct . The basis for today the “Bamboo Annals” with astronomy confirmed that the three Miao King Yu of Xia cutting at the age of data, building Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology. At the same time, this proved today the “Bamboo Annals,” the official historian for Five Emperors has been credited by the Record, written by the Chinese nation in the history of pushing around 2500 BC to the era of the Huang Emperor.

Key words: Today the “Bamboo Annals”, Crusade against King Zhou of Shang by King Wu of Zhou, Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology


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